0800 7 999 510 admin@10steps.org.uk

Jason Cresswell

Founder & CEO

Jason has over 25 years experience with enterprise level security and compliance within Local and Regional NHS Organisations, and schools. He is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Information Security, ISACA (Northern) and CiSP, a sponsor to the CyberScheme and a Professional Member if the IoT Security Foundation.

Jason has provided Cyber Awareness Training and workshops to multiple NHS Trusts and Regional NHS Forums.

Certifications include:

Certified Ethical Hacker C|EH, Health Care Security & Privacy Practitioner HCISPP, Senior Certified Cybersecurity Professional SCCP (Audit), Certified Security Information Auditor CISA, Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge CCSK, Certified Penetration Tester CPT, Certified Internal Auditor ISO27001 & ISO 9001, Certificate in Cyber Incident Planning and Response, Licensed assessor for Cyber Essentials, IASME, and IoT Certifications, and a qualified Cyber Advisor.

Adele Jowett

Adele Jowett

Head of Counter Fraud

Adele is an experienced Criminal investigator within both the public and Health sector environments. She is highly motivated and enthusiastic with specialism in fraud, bribery and corruption within hospital trusts, Private Health organisations, and Local Government.

She has delivered Fraud Awareness Training to employees at all levels, helping to recognise potential Fraud and act appropriately.

Adele is a licensed IASME Counter Fraud Assessor.