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IoT Cyber Assurance

The scheme aligns with all 13 provisions of the worldwide standard in IoT cyber security, ETSI EN 303 645 and with the imminent UK IoT security legislation and guidance. It is also mapped to the IoTSF Security Compliance Framework.

uWatch Cube achieves Secured by Design (SBD)

uWatch Cube achieves Secured by Design (SBD) Secure Connected Device accreditation & IASME’s IoT Cyber Assurance Level 2

IoT Level 2 Utopi Case study

UTOPI and THE SMART BUILDING MULTI-SENSOR demonstrates it’s Cyber Security through Certification to IASME IOT Cyber Assurance Level 2 (Audited)

Protecting against cyber attacks

Iot Cyber Assurance


IASME has developed the IoT Cyber Assurance scheme to provide an opportunity for manufacturers to improve the security of their internet-connected devices and to show they are compliant with best-practice security. The scheme has been designed specifically to be accessible to smaller organisations, micro-businesses and start-ups alongside more established manufacturers.

Level 1Level 2

Level 1

Reassure your customers that their device has the most important security controls in place
Align your connected devices with imminent UK & EU legislation and with internationally-recognised standards in IoT security
Demonstrate your commitment to best-practice security for internet connected devices


IASME has developed the IoT Cyber Assurance scheme to provide an opportunity for manufacturers to improve the security of their internet-connected devices and to show they are compliant with best-practice security. The scheme has been designed specifically to be accessible to smaller organisations, micro-businesses and start-ups alongside more established manufacturers.

The scheme is a vital tool in enabling organisations to verify the security of connected devices in their own supply chain.

The cost of the assessment is £500 + VAT (£450 + VAT for micro-businesses).

The IoT Cyber Assurance certification process requires manufacturers to answer a set of simple questions, using IASME’s online portal, about the security controls in place on a connected device and any associated services. A board member or equivalent must sign a declaration to confirm that all the answers are accurate. As one of IASME’s IoT trained Assessors we can help guide you through the process .

If the manufacturer is successful, a certificate and a badge is provided to be placed on product marketing and packaging to demonstrate the security of the device to purchasers.

Level 2

Level 2 includes a hands-on audit of the device and provides an additional level of assurance above the verified-assessment level.

The manufacturer must attain the level 1 certification before applying for the audited level
The assessment includes the use of three auditing methods – interview, documentation review and a hands-on device security review
The audit is managed our Assessor, skilled in IoT cyber security, and one of IASME’s network of Certification Bodies.


Accessible to micro and small manufacturers, as well as to larger organisations

IASME IoT Cyber Assurance – Level 2 (Audited) Certification – £2,000+VAT

The scope of the certification will include the IoT device and any associated hub, app and cloud service the device relies upon to operate.

Certification guards against the exploitation of common IoT cyber security vulnerabilities such as weak passwords, legacy software and insecure communications.




Secure by Design

Secured by Design (SBD) operates an accreditation scheme on behalf of the UK Police Service to show that products or services have met recognised security standards. SBD is the only way for companies to obtain police recognition for security-related products in the UK.

IASME are delighted to work in partnership with SBD to contribute to the Secure Connected Device accreditation for companies providing internet connected products.

Once a product has been certified to IASME IoT Cyber Assurance level 2 and has met the physical security requirements of SBD, the company can apply to become SBD members. The product will receive the SBD Secure Connected Device accreditation, a unique and recognisable accreditation that will highlight products as having achieved the relevant IoT standards and certifications.


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